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The JRuby User Map

Published by Chris White on

Google maps provides an interesting feature for creating personalized maps. It is possible to allow these custom maps to be edited by others using collaboration features. With this in mind I’ve created a JRuby Users Map. The map looks like this at the moment:

JRuby User Map

Adding Yourself To The Map

Adding yourself to the map takes a few simple steps. First off you will need a Google account to access the map. For those of you who don’t, see the wiki instructions at the end. Once logged in, click on the link to the map given. Then search for the location that you wish to add. As an example I’ll search for Portland to add the Engine Yard Portland office:

Portland Search

Next click on “Save To Map” on the left hand side. This will bring up a select box where you can select the “JRuby Users” map:

Save To Map

Finally, click “Save” to confirm and your location will be added:

Location Saved

Now you can also customize the location marker. To do so, return to the JRuby Users map using the original link. Then click the “Edit” button on the left, which will allow you to edit your entry:

Editing A Location

Make your edits (in this case I edited the title to “Engine Yard (Portland)”) and click “Save”, then “Done” on the left hand side to complete. This is the final result after the edit:

The EY Portland Office Shown

… You Can Also Add Yourself To The Wiki!

JRuby Guy Charles Nutter has also created a wiki page on the JRuby wiki titled In Your Region that you can add yourself to as well. This is alternative to those with JS restrictions of some sort, or those who don’t have a Google account.